
Production info

The work is based on J.S. Bach’s unfinished composition The Art of Fuga. Independent sounds, movements and acts merge in FUGA to create a polyphonic weave. The independent aspects comment on each other, reflect each other and move alongside each other. FUGA (lat. escape) escapes solid forms and breaks out of the grip of conception. In FUGA music and motion transform the dancer’s bodies into an undefined forward going flow. The workgroup consists of dancers who have worked for Aaltokoski Company for several years.

Workgroup and Dancers: Jouni Majaniemi, Unna Kitti and Johanna Ikola

Choreography and Concept: Johanna Ikola together with the workgroup

Music: J.S.Bach, parts of Die Kunst der Fuge, by Keller Quartett

Lighting design: Kalle Paasonen

Photos: Tanja Ahola

Co-Production: Workgroup and Alpo Aaltokoski Company

Length: 40 minutes

FUGA - Tanja Ahola
Image: Tanja Ahola

Performance history

The premiere: 18.11.2017, Culture Centre Stoa, Helsinki, Finland

Other performances in Stoa:

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